Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost four months

It's been almost four months since I quit and started my sabbatical...

Feeling a lot better, but still not quite ready to stress myself with fulltime programming work. I've been slowly learning Ruby and Rails, with another book in the mail at the moment. Otherwise "living it down" quietly.

From information gathered in all my research into burnout - it's said that it usually takes at least six months (often longer) to recover. For some reason I expected it to not take so long in my case, but around six months actually seems about right. There is no way I could be productive if I tried to work fulltime as a programmer right now, and I'd probably sink back into a fully blown burnout very quickly if I tried.

It reminds me of my hernia operation many years ago: it's like the scar is healing nicely, but going back to serious programming work right now would be like doing heavy lifting - it would inevitably re-open the wound and bring things back to square one.

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